Why I re-started
'Izzy Have You Eaten'
in 2020
The pandemic has compelled us all to change the way we live quickly and quite drastically. Most of us are now in lock down, others in isolation, still more practising social distancing.
This situation has forced us to slow the pace,
reduce our footprint and enter into quieter times.
No one’s exempt - we’re all in this together.
If anyone is unwell, we all hope very
much for your full and speedy recovery.
It seems like the right time to resurrect this blog I started nine years ago in Toronto. This pandemic is necessarily isolating, and the very reason 'Izzy Have You Eaten' came to be in 2011 was because I was feeling isolated in a foreign city, knee deep in snow. My husband Michael was often on a plane to Europe for his new job, and younger daughter Claudia was bravely trying to make friends while navigating yet another new school curriculum. The intention was to stay closely connected to elder daughter Isabel thousands of miles away in Melbourne, and with friends and family left behind in various cities we'd lived in.
I’m sending this out again after a long hiatus, to connect and to converse with you through observations on life, musings on food and hopefully some much better images than those of years back. Hello old friends and new!
Please feel very welcome to participate through feedback, your
own recipes and other food/culture related observations.
Let’s reconnect - we all need a little love right now!
- Tina